Devotee at Thaipusam festival.
 Priest on chariot at Navaratri 'festival of the nine divine nights'.
 Dancing and singing during Navaratri festival, Penang street, Georgetown. 
 Dragon dance at Chinese New Year, Armenian street, Georgetown.
 Prayers at GuanYin 'The Goddess of Mercy' temple, Georgetown.
 Dragon and lanterns at Chinese New Year, Georgetown. 
 Bursting with colors at Mid-Autumn festival, Chitra lane, Georgetown.
 Penang has been a melting pot of cultures for centuries.  The Japanese community celebrating Bon Odori at Esplanade, Georgetown.
 Kapitan Kling mosque, Georgetown.
 Fun fair in Bukit Mertajam, mainland.
 Myanmarese volunteers napping after building a shrine at Nandaka Vihara, Bukit Mertajam, mainland. 
 Trishaw peddler awaiting customers, Armenian street, Georgetown. 
 Flat dwellers enjoying an early dinner, Chitra street, Georgetown. 
 Takeaway or 'ta-pao' in local dialect, of traditional steamed rice cakes, Chitra street, Georgetown. 
 An Indian Muslim or 'mamak' selling fresh milk and the all day popular delicacy 'nasi lemak', Chulia street, Georgetown. 
 Night hawkers at Chulia street, Georgetown. 
 Market stalls after business hours near TuaPekKong temple, Bukit Mertajam, mainland. 
 Penang Street Food Festival 2017 along Beach street, Bishop street and Church street. 
 Getting ready for a Chinese opera, Georgetown heritage enclave.
 Intricate costumes of Chinese opera, King street, Georgetown.
 Time out for an improvised cricket behind Stewart lane, Georgetown. 
 One of the many art galleries dotting Georgetown.  'Peranakan' theme adorns the door, Love lane, Georgetown.  
 Georgetown is synonymous with interactive murals such as "a boy on motorbike", AhQuee street. Visitors make a beeline to be photographed with their most creative poses! 
 A wall mural at Magazine road, Georgetown.  These murals, some a few storeys high while others can be a tiny few inches tall, are flourishing all over the city in a most likely and unlikely location. Finding them or fortuitously stumbling upon
 I love the many wrought iron sculptures installed all over Georgetown. These are based on caricatures by local cartoonists that tell whimsical historical stories of a particular spot. 
 An art installation along Armenian Ghat road, Georgetown. 
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